laravel captcha


# Introduction to Laravel Captcha

Laravel Captcha is a powerful and versatile package that helps secure your web applications by adding CAPTCHA functionality. CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a challenge-response test used to determine whether the user is a human or a bot. By integrating Laravel Captcha into your Laravel-based projects, you can protect against automated spam and abuse, ensuring a smoother and safer user experience.

In this document, we will explore the key features of Laravel Captcha and provide a step-by-step guide on how to implement it in your Laravel application.

## Key Features

1. Multiple CAPTCHA Types: Laravel Captcha supports various types of CAPTCHAs, including image-based, audio-based, and mathematical equation challenges. This variety allows you to choose the most suitable CAPTCHA type for your application.

2. Customization Options: The package offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor the CAPTCHA appearance to match your application's design. You can modify the size, colors, fonts, and more.

3. Refresh Option: Laravel Captcha includes a refresh option that allows users to request a new CAPTCHA in case they find it difficult to read or hear the current one. This improves user experience and accessibility.

4. Session and Cache Support: The CAPTCHA challenges are stored in the session or cache, ensuring security and validation during the user's interaction.

5. Localization: Laravel Captcha supports multiple languages, making it accessible to a global audience and enhancing usability.

6. Configurable Complexity: You can adjust the complexity of the CAPTCHA challenges, making them easier or more difficult to solve based on your specific requirements.

## Installation

To get started with Laravel Captcha, follow these steps:

1. Install Package:

You can install Laravel Captcha via Composer. Open your terminal and run the following command:


composer require mews/captcha


2. Service Provider (For Laravel 5.4 and below):

If you are using Laravel version 5.5 or above, the service provider will be automatically registered. However, for Laravel versions 5.4 and below, add the following line to the `providers` array in `config/app.php`:




3. Publish Configuration:

Next, you need to publish the configuration file. Run the following command:


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mews\Captcha\CaptchaServiceProvider"


This will create a `captcha.php` file in the `config` directory.

4. Migration (Optional):

If you want to keep track of CAPTCHA usage, you can run the migration to create the necessary database table. Run the following command:


php artisan migrate


## Usage

With Laravel Captcha successfully installed, you can now start using it in your application.

1. Adding CAPTCHA to a Form:

To display the CAPTCHA challenge in your form, use the `captcha_img()` helper function in your blade file:


{!! captcha_img() !!}


2. Validating CAPTCHA:

After the form submission, you can validate the CAPTCHA input using Laravel's built-in validation features. In your controller, add the following rule to your validation logic:


$validatedData = $request->validate([

// Other form field validations

'captcha' => 'required|captcha',



The `captcha` rule will ensure that the submitted CAPTCHA is valid.

3. Refreshing CAPTCHA:

To provide users with a refresh option for CAPTCHA, you can add a link or a button that reloads the CAPTCHA image when clicked:




## Conclusion

Laravel Captcha is an excellent package to safeguard your Laravel applications against bots and spam. By integrating CAPTCHA challenges into your forms, you enhance security and ensure that genuine users can interact with your application seamlessly. Take advantage of the package's customization options to make CAPTCHA fit seamlessly into your application's design.

Remember to explore the package documentation for more advanced usage, additional configuration options, and tips for handling different CAPTCHA types effectively. Happy coding!